
Celebrating Freedom and Heavenly Scent Roses

Hope you had an fun and relaxing 4th of July!  I enjoyed the day on A Path of Beauty in gardens in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Walking through the rose covered archways at the historic Governor John Langdon House Museum at dust was truly magical!  I met a sweet young couple. She was in a pretty white dress with peach and …

Celebrating Freedom and Heavenly Scent Roses Read More »

Feel the sweetness and optimism of soft pretty colors in early Spring!

Enjoy the sweetness of the soft pretty colors of flowers in early Spring!  We can feel the energy of colors through the  generosity of nature.  Have you noticed the sweetheart flowers gently calling to you to pause and smile as you look upon their gentle beauty? The soft pinks, yellows, and whites are inspirational as they …

Feel the sweetness and optimism of soft pretty colors in early Spring! Read More »

Use the vibrant colors of springtime for energy and motivation!

Welcome Spring! And vibrant energy and motivation! We see the first signs of spring bursting forth around us, and feel a surge of energy within us.  We hear the birds twittering and the our own thoughts wanting to give voice to some new creation.  The grass is greening, the white and pink blossoms are singing …

Use the vibrant colors of springtime for energy and motivation! Read More »

Pink Ray of Love Divine

Blessing on this beautiful Monday in the Pink Ray of Love Divine. Let us call to the Archangels Chamuel and Charity to come into our aura and bring that sublime energy of the purest form of God/Goddess love into our hearts and being. I am the Presence of Love Divine.