Gratitude is a way of life for those that rejoice in the ups and downs of life, the challenges and celebrations. If we could see every experience through a filter of colored light, then we could see it from a different perspective. See through the pink ray and we see the love that is there at the foundation. And in this loving light, we are grateful, because each moment we can know another side of ourselves. There may be love and happiness, or sadness and grief. But viewed through the love lens, we feel. We feel love, we feel all shades of it from bliss to despair. And we are grateful because we know that a loving Divine Presence is here with us, is a part of us, bringing comfort and compassion. There is beauty here, and so much creativity. We are always creating, and through the lens of the pink ray of the heart, we can find love and comfort, knowing that all of our experiences are a chance to learn to be creators and masters of our own energy and the way we give expression to it. We are painting with our own God/Goddess energy, coloring our emotions. I am grateful for my life and for all of you on a Path of Beauty, and the creative expression of the pink ray of Love Divine. And enjoy the bounty, of \”glads\”, gladiolus flowers, and the fruits of the Earth and the fruits of or own expression. Let us share this bounty of love with all. Blessings!