Wishing all SUMMER JOY! And Happy Solstice! As the summer sunshine brightens our moods and warms our bodies, let us use this illumination to remind us of the bright Light that also lives within us. As we rejoice in the warmth and light, let us use this time to lighten the hurts in our hearts. Joy does that, we don\’t have to focus on our challenges. When we truly allow ourselves to feel unfettered JOY filling every cell in our bodies, the worries and woes can dissolve. Really. When we remember the joy we felt as children being home from school for the summer, running barefoot in the grass, laughing, we are transported to not only another time, but another energy that is uplifting and happy. It is often hard to feel this way in a world of stress. When the burdens of life encroach upon our joy, allow those feelings of heaviness, sadness, discouragement be the gift. Feel them, then return your focus to joyful feelings. The darkness actually reaches up to meet the brilliant light of our true unconditional loving nature when we are in joy. Allow the light of our summer sun to brighten our feelings, as well as our bodies, and the Divine golden light of illumination to bring wisdom to our souls.